# | Name | Released at |
67 | Will - Word Flesh Stone | 1992 |
5 | Spell - Seasons In The Sun | 1993-11-01 |
78 | The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud - Kostnice | 1995 |
65 | Chandeen - A Taste Like Ginger | 1998 |
49 | Puissance - War On | 1999-08-07 |
26 | Turbund Sturmwerk - Weltbrand | 1999 |
40 | Forseti - Raunen | 1999 |
57 | Parzival - Anathema Maranatha | 1999 |
36 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - Nighttime Nightrhymes | 2000-06-00 |
63 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - Midnight Will | 2000-06 |
52 | Nový Svět - Cuori di Petrolio | 2000-09-21 |
37 | Sonne Hagal - Sinnreger | 2000 |
28 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - I Crave For You | 2001-06 |
98 | Naevus - Soil | 2001-07 |
85 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - My Black Fate | 2001-10 |
45 | Nový Svět - Chappaqua | 2001 |
47 | Sonne Hagal - Starkadr | 2001 |
64 | Isomer - Serpent Age | 2001 |
23 | Naevus - Behaviour | 2002-06 |
15 | Orplid - Nachtliche Junger | 2002-07-22 |
19 | Orplid - Nächtliche Jünger | 2002-07 |
53 | Arditi - Unity Of Blood | 2002-08 |
13 | Leger Des Heils - Aryana | 2002 |
27 | Forseti - Europa | 2002 |
60 | Boyd Rice and Fiends - Wolf Pact | 2002 |
68 | Stalingrad - Court-Martial | 2002 |
84 | Wappenbund - Zurück in der Heimat | 2002 |
91 | Nový Svět & Foresta di Ferro - Bulli e Pupe | 2002 |
99 | Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Cocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion and Pornography | 2003-05-30 |
30 | Leger Des Heils - Freiheit | 2003-12-00 |
16 | Arditi - Jedem Das Seine | 2003-12 |
17 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - Lucifer | 2003 |
56 | Toroidh - Testament | 2003 |
72 | Turbund Sturmwerk - Turbund Sturmwerk | 2003 |
80 | Toroidh - For the Fallen Ones | 2003 |
32 | Sonne Hagal - Tarja | 2004-06 |
62 | Rukkanor - Deora | 2005-11-05 |
3 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - Hail Hail Hail | 2005 |
11 | Volksweerbaarheid - Van kogels, drank en wrakhout | 2005 |
12 | Sonne Hagal - nidar | 2005 |
42 | Eldar - Eldar | 2005 |
96 | Sturmpercht - Der Marsch der Wampelerreiter | 2005 |
25 | Arditi - Destiny Of Iron | 2006-02 |
35 | Parzival - Deus Nobiscum | 2006-06-00 |
55 | Atomtrakt - Schutt & Asche | 2006-07 |
90 | Luftwaffe - Event Nihility | 2006-10 |
70 | Majdanek Waltz - Холод | 2006 |
4 | Puissance - Grace of God | 2007-01 |
89 | Oda Relicta - The Crown & The Plough | 2007-04 |
39 | Sturmast - Ibis Redibis Nunquam in Bello Peribis | 2007-08-23 |
6 | Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - Turn Hegel on his Head | 2007-08-28 |
22 | Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Four | 2007-10-26 |
93 | Ghosts of Breslau - And Should The Spring Come... | 2007-12-28 |
54 | Dernière Volonté - Toujours | 2007 |
86 | Leger Des Heils - Gloria | 2007 |
95 | The Well of Sadness - Patria | 2007 |
33 | Majdanek Waltz - Журавли | 2008-05-26 |
1 | Werkraum - Early Love Music | 2008-05 |
100 | Der Feuerkreiner - Unsere Zeit | 2008-06-18 |
79 | Naevus - Relatively Close To The Sea | 2008-10-11 |
24 | Herbst9 - The Gods Are Small Birds, But I Am The Falcon | 2008-10-20 |
34 | Herbst9 - The Gods Are Small Birds But I Am The Falcon | 2008-10-20 |
29 | Orplid - Greifenherz | 2008-11-21 |
66 | L'Effet C'Est Moi - Les Voix De L' Apocalypse | 2008 |
71 | Pantheon Legio Musica - Per Aspera ad Astra | 2008 |
75 | L'Effet C'Est Moi - Les Voix de l'Apocalypse | 2008 |
82 | Voyvoda - The Confederacy | 2008 |
83 | Voyvoda - Iztok | 2008 |
77 | Toroidh - Eine kleine Marschmusik | 2009-09-01 |
31 | Majdanek Waltz - Офелия | 2009-10-01 |
81 | Wappenbund - Heaven | 2009-11-02 |
58 | Sonne Hagal - Läuthner 2A - Single | 2009-12-00 |
50 | Sturmpercht - Schattenlieder | 2009-12-21 |
18 | Roses Never Fade - Roses Never Fade | 2009 |
88 | Will - Will | 2009 |
97 | Les Jumeaux Discordants - Sang pour Sang | 2010-02-25 |
41 | Der Arbeiter - Holzwege | 2010-05-01 |
69 | Blood Axis - Born Again | 2010-05 |
76 | Sinweldi - Acta Fabula Est | 2010-07-26 |
20 | Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - Hewers of wood and drawers of water | 2010-10-04 |
43 | Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Songs 4 Hate & Devotion | 2010-10-29 |
10 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - It's Like Dying on Christmas Day | 2010-12-17 |
61 | Cawatana - Advocation for Privileges | 2010 |
73 | Roses Never Fade - Fade to Black | 2010 |
87 | Atomtrakt - Sperrstelle Nordost | 2010 |
7 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - Shine Black Algiz | 2011-03-22 |
59 | Art Abscons - Der Verborgene Gott | 2011-04 |
48 | Arditi - One Will | 2011-05-15 |
9 | Blood Axis - Ultimacy | 2011-08-26 |
94 | Osewoudt - Gelag van zwartgeklede kraaien | 2011-11-04 |
92 | Wappenbund - Music for Empires | 2011 |
51 | Naevus - The Division of Labour | 2012-05-16 |
8 | Dernière Volonté - Mon Meilleur Ennemi | 2012-05-24 |
21 | :Of the Wand & the Moon: - Live At The Lodge Of Imploded Love | 2012-10-17 |
44 | Leger Des Heils - Licht! | 2012-12-03 |
46 | Corde Oblique - Per le strade ripetute | 2013-11-08 |
74 | Ghosts of Breslau - Hopes Die In Winter | 2014-01-25 |
38 | Apoptose - Ana Liil | 2014-05 |
14 | Arditi - Imposing Elitism | 2014-07-09 |
2 | Sonne Hagal - Ockerwasser | 2014-09 |